From the Soul

Eyes wide open

Photo: Own photo from my land. A view of the ocean. I have more than a dozen such agaves on my land:) Today’s story is from the “I told you so” series. It’s just that the manner of this telling was not very obvious to me. My Soul has been trying to give me a message for the third day now, and I still don’t get it. Eh. And today

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Simona’s answer

I knew this moment would come one day. The moment when doubt would besiege me. A flurry of questions and thoughts pulling down my motivation and the joy of my decision. Everyday life helped a lot with this. Lots of activities, packing, signing the contract for transporting things, giving notice for the surgery, for the flat, electricity, gas and internet. It’s really happening. I’m closing another door, not to say

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Island of Tranquil Souls

This was happening when I still didn’t have land in Tenerife. I often said that it would be as it was meant to be. If this piece of land wants to be mine it will be. It was a beautiful April of 2022. I stood on the land overlooking the ocean and wondered when I would live here. And how will it all happen? A while later, browsing the pages

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Nature of Life in Tenerife

Fot. My own photo. Sunset on my land. I’ll start at the end 😉 I’m moving to Tenerife. How did this happen, when I never dreamed of living on this island? What happened that made me live right there? I am still surprised myself. And with this childlike amazement, my face split sometimes with surprise, I let myself be led by the so-called coincidences. And it started innocently enough 😉

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My choice

Quotes from the book “Awakening” by Anthony De Mello “We see people and things not as they are, but as we are.” “If you are not happy, it only means that you are focusing on what you don’t have. Otherwise you would have to experience bliss.” “Happiness is a butterfly: try to catch it and it will fly away. Sit still and it will rest on your shoulder.” “If no

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Where is my treasure?

Photo: Coloring book made by me A woman was looking for something on the road. People approached her to help. They asked what she was looking for. “A needle” she replied. They started looking with her until someone asked where she had lost it. “At home” they heard in reply. “Why are you looking on the road? “Because there is light here and it is dark inside. And where do

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