"One day, a friend of mine recommends me a natural medicine workshop by Dorota Grodzka. The date doesn’t work for me. I’m a little sad but I just can’t go. I get another chance very soon. I sign up right away. I arrive early (it’s a vice of mine, next to a total lack of tolerance for tardiness :-)). Dorota is preparing the rooms for the class. She’s naturally polite, wearing a warm smile. Her eyes are smiling, too. It’s like that for the entire workshop as she exhaustively answers all our questions and assures us, again and again, that fire cupping is a piece of cake and that we will definitely not burn the hair on our backs. It’s because of her that I dared to do fire cupping on my child. And while it is very simple indeed, for someone who’s never done it, it’s usually stressful. It’s because of Dorota that I believe it’s worth learning about this to that we may not ruin our health with conventional medicine unless absolutely necessary. I realize that the workshop is just the first step on the journey to health, but it is most important to take that step. After the workshop, I hesitantly asked Dorota if I could interview her for my blog. To my delight, she agreed. This interview is special to me. I hope it will encourage some of my readers to sign up for the workshop. It’s doubly important for me. For one, because it would make me happy to be able to return the favor for my own experience, and two, because I wish more people would use the knowledge of someone like Dorota. We may read a lot of books but we often don’t have the courage or simply can’t put the newfound knowledge into practice. Dorota is a mentor of natural medicine and she conveys this knowledge in the best way. No beating around the bush, no preaching from a high horse. She doesn’t stoke the flames of conspiracy theories around modern medicine. Instead, she encourages you to listen to your inner voice and the voice of nature. Her answer to my last question in the interview reflects that perfectly. To close, I encourage you all to sign up for Dorota’s workshop or book an appointment with her. "