
I’d like to buy you a coffee Dorota:)

From time to time you ask me: “Can I buy you a coffee already?”.The first time I was very surprised, because I was asked by a person living hundreds of kilometres away from me 😉 And then I found out about “Buy coffee to …”. A lot of water had to pass before I made my answer now be “Yes” 🙂 And I am grateful for your patient and cordial

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I’m heavy and I’m hurting you. Signed: metal.

In the world we live in today, we are exposed to a load of metals that harm us. When we hear mercury or lead, we know that these are metals that are better not to have in our bodies. But already cadmium, thallium or barium are not so obvious. Which metals we are exposed to most depends on the environment we live in, the food we eat, the medicines or

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Story 8 ‘Help, I’m peeing pink’

Urine, urine, pee Our internal factory also has its liquid waste.Machines called kidneys filter the blood and carry the yellow (not always) fluid out of the human body. Urine consists of 95% water. The rest is the addition of unnecessary or harmful metabolic elements, some mineral salts and other substances. If you have some results from a urine test, you may find there additionally: protein, blood, epithelia, bacteria, urate, oxalate

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Story 7 “Bloodbath”

In your body, the body of an adult circulates about 5 litres of blood. When you cut yourself, a scab forms on the wound to protect the inside from germs and the blood from flowing out. Have you ever scraped off a scab? Sometimes we are tempted and unknowingly scratch the spot where this protective thickening has formed. Unfortunately, by doing so, we expose ourselves to infections and longer wound

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Herba Chelidonii, called the “Gift from Heaven”.

This common and frequently occurring herb is such a priceless and all-round remedy that it has been called the “Gift of Heaven”. It was described as early as 1550 BC. Take a look at the photo. You may have seen this plant somewhere. Its yellow-orange juice has sometimes stained your fingers when you wanted to weed this “weed” out of your garden. It’s worth drying and keeping it in your

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Story 6 “Because I’m going to vomit!”

Vomit, puke, peacock, embroider or go to Riga. Do you know? Have you experienced it? You probably have. Sometimes the stomach wants to get rid of “spoiled” food or germs. And sometimes the brain makes it “balloon” and the stomach gets rid of the compactness under the influence of a disturbed vagus. It also happens that you put two fingers in your mouth and induce vomiting yourself, because you are

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