
I have St. John’s wort and will not hesitate to use it. Depression away!

I see St. John’s Wort everywhere around me. Delicate yellow flowers laughing at the sun. And we can feel this joy in ourselves if we gather some of this yellow joy in the summer and prepare a remedy for our autumn and winter sorrows. What the composition of St. John’s wort is and why it …

I have St. John’s wort and will not hesitate to use it. Depression away! Read More »

Story 4 “The effects of the body’s conflict with the a…s, and how to deal with it”.

I’m going to look into your body now and look at the effects of keeping the qupy treasures in your gut. I have already covered the topic of stool here. You wake up in the morning and already feel like it’s a poor start to the day. You feel tired and somehow irritable. Your thoughts are, …

Story 4 “The effects of the body’s conflict with the a…s, and how to deal with it”. Read More »

What is it about sugar? And how did Wańkowicz contribute to its consumption? The year is 1931 and sugar is a very expensive and luxurious good. Even after its price has fallen, people are not buying it. What to do? Advertising as a lever of trade. Why were the authorities of the time so keen …

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