Story 3 “What is good in us? Or bad?”

More than three years ago, in a ‘shitology’ class (a more professional term is Phytotherapy in parasitic diseases), we observed the contents of our intestines. How? A bit of faeces on a slide and on the screen we could see our inner life.

The smells in the room were slightly, um … You know. Fecal. What one doesn’t do for science 😉 .

I handed over my vial of precious contents 😉 totally convinced that the picture of my bowels was great. And I certainly have nothing to worry about. My imagination had diverged from reality, just as a full moon diverges from a new moon. As the preparation was discussed, my face thinned. The verdict was: dysbacteriosis, leaky gut, lamblia. And I would have collapsed slightly if the lecturer (Dr Henryk Różański) had not immediately given a way of dealing with the problem.

The amazing thing was that I had no symptoms (such clear ones) of the above ailments. Why? Because I was eating very well. I avoided sweets, dairy products. I drank a lot of different herbs. So I was doing quite well. But … who knows what would have happened next.

I worked on my intestines for 6 months as recommended. And for the longest time precisely on good bacterial flora.

However, to be able to take care of something, you first have to know it well.

And that’s what this story is about. I also give a recipe for ‘detoxifying’ yourself after antibiotic treatment. And although it is not a way to enrich your flora, I share it here. We usually lose our good bacteria during antibiotic treatment.

Our body is populated by about 2,000 different species of bacteria.

We have more of them than our own cells. It puzzles me how this has been researched and yet it is reported that about 2 kg of different bacteria live in us. In just 1 ml of saliva alone we find 10 billion of them.

According to Wikipedia, quantitatively it looks like this: “In the human gastrointestinal tract, microorganisms exist in numbers ranging from 106 to 1012 in 1 g of content, depending on the section. The microflora inhabiting the large intestine shows the greatest activity, abundance and diversity. It is estimated that there are between 500 and 1,000 species belonging to 45 genera and 17 families of microorganisms, which account for 80% of the faecal dry matter.” I am impressed.

We don’t even realise what a walking microbial laboratory we are 🙂 How do we take care of this company and how do we encourage them to work for the benefit of our body?

First of all, don’t disturb it. Often we ourselves destroy what we should be taking care of, like the proverbial ‘eye in the head’.

Because our health resides in the gut and it is these micro-organisms that take care of it.
Which bacteria should reside in our stomach.

First and foremost, lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bacteria that produce lactic acid.

And importantly, Lactobacillus stimulates immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is the defence mechanism of the gastrointestinal tract ( and beyond) by binding bacterial cells. In this way, they prevent the colonisation of unfavourable flora in the small intestine.

And why is this so important?
Because it determines our health.
Because letters from me are mostly read by women. And speaking of us, the topic of the thyroid comes up. And it is the relationship between the thyroid and the digestive system that I will dwell on here.

The thyroid produces 93% of the hormone T4 and only 7% of T3. We know that in order to activate T4, a conversion has to take place. We need an enzyme (sulphatase), which is produced in the digestive tract by our good bacteria.

So now we know where the primary source of T3 deficiency, and therefore hypothyroidism, can come from. The topic of the thyroid gland has already been beautifully discussed many times, so I am now returning to our bacterial flora.

When the balance is disturbed, fungi take advantage. One well-known and dangerous one in particular – Candida. It produces a substance that further inhibits thyroid function and … you’ve got cake.

And sometimes our cravings for sweets are not ours, but the fungus’. I wrote about sugar in a previous letter.

How else do the good bacteria support us:

  1. defend us against disease,
  2. help break down undigested food and mucus,
  3. produce vitamin K,
  4. produce short-chain fatty acids (and this gives strength to our large intestine to make worming movements, so we are not constipated).

Which microorganisms should worry us and which should not?

In itself, the presence of pathogenic organisms does not yet necessarily lead to disease. It depends on where the bacteria in question has wandered. If it lives in the large intestine, it will not do us much harm. Worse if it makes its way into the small intestine. As a general rule, the higher up in the digestive system, the fewer bacteria there should be. This is because the conditions are not favourable for it either. In the stomach, the ph is low, i.e. acidic. Food in the first stage goes to the duodenum and should be acidic. Bacteria then have little chance of survival.

But – what are antacids for? After all, television teaches us that we can eat “anything” (read – junk food) and take the right preparation. And in doing so, we open wide the floodgates to those bacteria we should be defending ourselves against. Also parasites, but there is still time for that topic.

What bacteria inhabit us and what effect they have on us.

They increase the utilisation of food ingredients: Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Bacteroides*.

Synthesise vitamins: bifidobacterium, lactobacillus, bacteroides*.

Inhibit pathogens and harmful bacteria: bifidobacterium, lactobacillus, bacteroides*, eubacterium*, anaerobic streptococci*.

Immunomodulatory effects: bifidobacterium, lactobacillus, bacteroides*, escherischia coli*, enterobacteria*.
*can also have pathogenic effects

Toxin-forming bacteria: anaerobic streptococci, escherischia coli, enterobacteriaceae, clostridium, staphylococcus, vibrionaceae, Ps. Aeruginosa (Blue Pus).

They synthesise carcinogens, secrete faecal enzymes: bacteroides, anaerobic streptococci, escherischia coli.

They produce rotten egg odour, or hydrogen sulphide – desulfuricators.

They form gases: bacteroides, eubacterium, escherischia coli
Information based on Wikipedia.

What does good and bad bacterial flora mean?

We are healthy, or we have ailments or illnesses. You already know what effect the different groups of bacteria have.
And what to do with this knowledge? Do we study the microbiological state of our gut?
You can research. But before you decide to do so, observe yourself and assess for yourself whether and what changes need to be made.

And how we can disrupt our inner life:

By radically changing our diet
By taking antibiotics
By making nutritional mistakes
Aging – 😉 how to stop it.
Stressing ourselves out and not unwinding
Even how the baby was born
Getting sick
And living in a ‘toxic’ environment
How do you know when something is not right?

The warning signs are the above disturbances. If you don’t react quickly enough, symptoms like:

  • Excessive gas
  • Flatulence
  • Abdominal pains (mild and almost imperceptible at first)
  • Sensation of discomfort in the abdomen, difficult to describe
  • Problems with defecation (occasional, not yet alarming)

And then it’s downhill from there. If unfavourable bacterial flora enter the small intestine, we have a disorder known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is a huge bag into which a host of ailments have been thrown. More serious are the consequences of such a condition:

  • abdominal pain, stabbing in the abdomen ,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • flatulence, gas, chronic constipation and diarrhoea
  • inflammation of the gastric mucosa,
  • weight loss, reflux, heartburn,
  • anaemia
  • intolerances, allergies, asthma,
  • anxiety, depression and other mental problems,
  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • joint pains,
  • skin problems
  • and many others, where it is no longer even clear what is the effect and what is the cause.
  • Autoimmune diseases can be a consequence of this.

I’ve made you nervous ;-), so now you need a hint on how to help yourself, i.e. how to prevent the destruction of the bacterial flora or, if it has already happened, how to rebuild it.

If you are healthy and don’t have any of the above ailments, then keep it up. Just support your flora by eating probiotic and prebiotic foods. So cut in what’s pickled: cabbage, beetroot, cucumbers, other vegetables and what’s fermented, i.e. kefir you’ve made yourself. Good bacteria need conditions for colonisation and replication, i.e. prebiotics. And these are: Jerusalem artichoke, traveler’s chicory or dandelion root, garlic, leek, onions, asparagus or pure inulin (you can buy powder). These products contain substances that, in undigested form, have the chance to reach the intestine and help our good bacteria there. And they will help us 🙂 .

If you are taking or have taken an antibiotic. In addition to the above measures, it is essential to support your body with supplements containing good bacteria cultures. It takes up to six months to rebuild the flora. It is worth being consistent, as the price for omission is too high.

It is also worth using a mixture for post-antibiotic “detoxification”.
Following Dr Henryk Różański

  1. Birch leaf 2 parts
  2. Dandelion leaf 2 parts.
  3. Strawberry leaf 2 parts.
  4. Nettle leaf 2 parts
  5. Mint leaf ½ part.

Pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the mixture and steep 20′ under cover.
Drink the first glass ½ h before breakfast.
The second at midday and the third by 5 pm.
And so on for 3 weeks.

And if you are already ill. You wander from doctor to doctor. Your medicine cabinet is bursting at the seams. Start with helpful bacteria. Repairing your gut health and normal bacterial flora is the basis for recovery. I am not promising instant results. The road to health can take as long as the road to illness.

If you need support on this path, I invite you to my practice. Make an appointment by writing here

I wish you good health and good colognes … bacteria
Dorota Nature of Life
