I see St. John’s Wort everywhere around me. Delicate yellow flowers laughing at the sun. And we can feel this joy in ourselves if we gather some of this yellow joy in the summer and prepare a remedy for our autumn and winter sorrows.
What the composition of St. John’s wort is and why it works the way it does, you can read in any good book on herbs.
I will give you ways to use this herb to enrich your medicine cabinet. In the title, I wrote about depression. However, St. John’s wort has much wider uses.
I invite you to enter the world of St John’s wort 🙂 .
Let me start by saying that only alcoholic and oil extracts of St. John’s wort have an antidepressant effect. Which is not to say that the fresh or dried herb itself cannot be used.
Part one – St John’s wort oil
How do you make such an oil?
Collect fresh flowers and moisten with spirit (so that they are wet, but not drenched). Then pour in warm (but not hot) oil. It can be sunflower, linseed, almond, rice oil. Recently an herbalist friend suggested sesame oil to me. I am currently waiting for a delivery of freshly pressed such oil and plan to dip the St. John’s wort in it.
Remember to pour a little spirit over the oil-drenched St. John’s wort. You will avoid mould.
After a few weeks (3-4) of maceration, the oil is ready.
However, if the weather is not sunny or we need the oil faster, we can use … the dishwasher 😉.
How to do it. We put the screw-top jar in the dishwasher on the 45 degree programme for about an hour. And repeat this for 5 days. The colour of the oil will be an indication that the extract is good. Strain the oil and pour it into dark bottles. a little spirit can be added to the surfaces to protect against mould and spoilage.
The ratio of oil and St. John’s wort is 1:1.
How such an oil can help us:
- It speeds up the healing of wounds. Caution, as it simultaneously increases the skin’s sensitivity to the sun.
- Orally, it will stimulate the metabolism.
- It will remove a state of fatigue and depression.
- Will improve intellectual performance.
- Will alleviate acne symptoms.
- Will lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
How to take. Take 1-2 teaspoons daily. The effects of taking are visible after about 2-3 weeks.
Part two – St. John’s wort tincture
Although actually, I would suggest making an intract. This involves pouring fresh St John’s wort flowers into boiling 40-70% alcohol or wine. The ratio is 1:10.
You set it aside for 1 month and it’s ready. I only strain when I need the extract. Which means that the herbs macerate and several weeks.
Dr Różanski states: “Tinctura Hyperici 3 times a day, 30 drops each. I use a dose of 3-5 ml (Tinctura Hyperici 1:3) 1-2 times a day, or if needed more often, smaller amounts. St. John’s wort wine and tincture, prepared with 1 part raw material to 10 parts solvent, can be drunk a glass each day to improve mood and digestion.”
All recipes are from Dr Henryk Różanski’s blog. I encourage you to read these posts.
Consult your doctor for the recipes listed above or use at your own risk. Herbs interact with medications, so use them with caution. Once again, I emphasise that St. John’s wort is photosensitising and we do not use it when we expose our bodies to the sun.
And for health and joy
Dorota Nature of Life