
Korpoludek from invited me for a coffee and what came out of it

Interview with Dorota Grądzka – Natural Medicine Therapist 29 FEBRUARY 2016 AFTERKORPO One day an acquaintance who knows my interests recommends to me a natural medicine workshop led by Dorota Grądzka. The date doesn’t suit me, I’m a bit sad, but I give up. The next opportunity comes extremely quickly. I sign up straight away. …

Korpoludek from invited me for a coffee and what came out of it Read More »

Chocolate and happiness, how chocolate chemistry works

The secret of chocolate’s happy power lies in the cocoa bean. And what’s in the beans? Some difficult words with easy sounds and good effects: Theobromine Caffeine Anandamide And a few others Caffeine, what it is and its effects, everyone knows. Everyone who likes and drinks coffee. And theobromine? It is also an alkaloid that …

Chocolate and happiness, how chocolate chemistry works Read More »