
The whole Poland sees herbs – herb walk in Przytoki 17 April

THE WHOLE POLAND SEES HERBS … “Yesterday, despite the rain – I went on an amazing walk with herbalist Dorota. We met at 11 o’clock at the Przytoki Farm near Staniszewo and set off in search of wild herbs. The rain soon turned into beautiful sunshine, and we devoured like possessed the young shoots of trees and what I used to call ‘weeds’ hehe At the end we made a

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Story 1 “Was there a stool today?”

“Nothing what human is alien to me,” wrote the poet from Czarnolas, Jan Kochanowski. And this song from the past will shine for us as that torch carried under thatched roofs. I am not sure if the author had in mind what you are about to read about. I would be happy to discuss it with him. Maybe one day. In the meantime, we’ll take a look at what is

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Does the moon affect the water contained in humans?

Why tides in the seas and oceans? Why do we have trouble sleeping during a full moon? Why does a wound from a tooth extraction bleed more heavily on a full moon? How does the Moon change the reflection of the sun’s rays from the Earth? These questions alone suggest the answers. We are influenced by it, and not just in romantic terms. By observing ourselves and the Moon, it

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Eka – one, dasza – ten (Ekadashi)

This is possible. Twice a month there are such days, favourable for fasting. In Sanskrit (the old language of India), these days are called ekadashi. Translated, it means the eleventh day after the new moon and the eleventh day after the full moon. At the end you will find the dates of these days in 2016. What does the fasting on ekadashi day consist of? On this day, it is

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Korpoludek from invited me for a coffee and what came out of it

Interview with Dorota Grądzka – Natural Medicine Therapist 29 FEBRUARY 2016 AFTERKORPO One day an acquaintance who knows my interests recommends to me a natural medicine workshop led by Dorota Grądzka. The date doesn’t suit me, I’m a bit sad, but I give up. The next opportunity comes extremely quickly. I sign up straight away. I arrive too early for the workshop, of course (this is my fault, right next

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Children’s herbal fascinations at the Edward Cat Nursery School

A child’s joy in discovering new flavours is contagious. This tastes good, that does not taste good. A smile here, tears there. Life is simple and fits in two hands. It was my first time teaching herbal classes to 2 and 3 year olds. I was very anxious. So were the children. And, as I saw later in the photos, so was the Headmistress Eve and the Nursery Ladies 🙂

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