From time to time you ask me: “Can I buy you a coffee already?”.
The first time I was very surprised, because I was asked by a person living hundreds of kilometres away from me 😉 And then I found out about “Buy coffee to …”. A lot of water had to pass before I made my answer now be “Yes” 🙂

And I am grateful for your patient and cordial enquiries. I enjoy writing, I enjoy recording material related to health, herbs and good living. You can find them here on two blogs, on the YouTube channel, on the Radio Gdańsk website, where we have been talking to listeners about what good herbs have in them for 5 years now. I also write on Facebook and my Fan Page. You also mobilise me to record podcasts. “You have such a soothing voice Dorota. I enjoy listening to you. Please record.”
I will accept every coffee with joy and gratitude as proof that what I do has value for you. It is also a form of support for me. I am simply pleased that you thought of me. Thank you:)
By clicking on these words you can buy me a virtual coffee.

May the power of herbs always be with you
Dorota Nature of Life